Martinmas Interviews 2024
[St Martin of Tours saw the devil standing near]
"Why do you stand there, you bloodthirsty brute?" he cried. "Murderer, you will not have me for your prey. Abraham is welcoming me into his embrace."
Death cannot defeat us, nor toil dismay us. We neither fear death, nor refuse to live. But, to be sure, the Rector body has leyen still for many months (perhaps ‘ears) past, as though our hat was off the birch - ‘killing time’, you might say. But, we ask only that you let us look towards the heavens rather than at the mud’n’earth beneath our feet, so that our collective spirit may be set on’t right course when the time comes for us to go on our next journey.
And yet, despite the year growing wearisome with age, and days growing short and nights excessively long, we still so wished to see the welcome sun. So, as Martinmas approached we set about waking our body from its virtual state, shaking it from its expired and supine disposition. Jolted upright we stumbled forward and backwards, downwards and upwards, and (like so much o’ the recent past) we’re shattered across different planes, neither ‘ere nor there.
Fragments …
On St Martin’s Eve, aften collecting up our paper masks, we turned our dark coats inside out and wore false beards, ready to go knocking on doors, goggle eyes and empty baskets outstretched. After a short burst of song at each door, we force our way inside – scatter grains on the floor, test the inhabitants handicraft skills, then gently flog the hosting family, demanding gifts of money, food and drink, before blessing the household goodbye. The bounty from visiting several households made for a right good party to get the celebrations started.
The next morning the cock had crowd but once, and clapped his wings at a, when the eldest member to the youngest said, 'T is the we were away … As no work involving a wheel or turning was to be undertaken before midday, we set out on foot. Our wish had surely come true, with the warm sun returning after many weeks of damp grey (St Martin’s Summer’ere), but as we know too well, if weather’s warm on St Martin’s Day, then a harsh winter will follow. Be warned! And prepared.
The greys made way for greens. It was the day tat grazing on the meadows ended and horses were stabled for the winder after the lats October ploughing. Only a few boys remained in the fields to scare the birds from the young winter wheat crops, an droves of up to fifty head were walked across our paths (sheep did not have the legs to walk the distances needed) and so the cattle moved on ancient drovers' ways.
We all know this as a time for feasting and the ‘martinmas foy’. A supper held in honour of the departing ploughman. Presents were given of sausages and black puddings to the sound of a big ole ‘pig cheer’! Before sitting down to eat proper, bacon, ham, chitterlings, brawn and trotters, celebrating some more with pork and souse, sprats and starlings, before devouring the Martinmas goose for the final feast of the day. This change in season marks the start of Mumming and carolling for those of us without employment and so we set about getting our practice in, spattering wine in each other’s faces late into the night.
Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor's Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.
In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.
Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of applicants and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.
We can now reveal that all new applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2023, were roundly and loudly rejected as ill-suited to the opening that had appeared, and so the chair of the Secret Member has remained empty throughout 2023/24. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.
The application portal for next year’s Interviews is now open. We sincerely encourage those who feel ready to join the group and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. Over the coming years Reactor intends to be reborn, again, in a new body. An opening at the heart of the group awaits the correct initiate, with this need for replacement limbs we are ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.