
Martinmas Interviews 2024


[St Martin of Tours saw the devil standing near]
"Why do you stand there, you bloodthirsty brute?" he cried. "Murderer, you will not have me for your prey. Abraham is welcoming me into his embrace."

Death cannot defeat us, nor toil dismay us. We neither fear death, nor refuse to live. But, to be sure, the Rector body has leyen still for many months (perhaps ‘ears) past, as though our hat was off the birch - ‘killing time’, you might say. But, we ask only that you let us look towards the heavens rather than at the mud’n’earth beneath our feet, so that our collective spirit may be set on’t right course when the time comes for us to go on our next journey.

And yet, despite the year growing wearisome with age, and days growing short and nights excessively long, we still so wished to see the welcome sun. So, as Martinmas approached we set about waking our body from its virtual state, shaking it from its expired and supine disposition. Jolted upright we stumbled forward and backwards, downwards and upwards, and (like so much o’ the recent past) we’re shattered across different planes, neither ‘ere nor there.

Fragments …

On St Martin’s Eve, aften collecting up our paper masks, we turned our dark coats inside out and wore false beards, ready to go knocking on doors, goggle eyes and empty baskets outstretched. After a short burst of song at each door, we force our way inside – scatter grains on the floor, test the inhabitants handicraft skills, then gently flog the hosting family, demanding gifts of money, food and drink, before blessing the household goodbye. The bounty from visiting several households made for a right good party to get the celebrations started.

The next morning the cock had crowd but once, and clapped his wings at a, when the eldest member to the youngest said, 'T is the we were away … As no work involving a wheel or turning was to be undertaken before midday, we set out on foot. Our wish had surely come true, with the warm sun returning after many weeks of damp grey (St Martin’s Summer’ere), but as we know too well, if weather’s warm on St Martin’s Day, then a harsh winter will follow. Be warned! And prepared.

The greys made way for greens. It was the day tat grazing on the meadows ended and horses were stabled for the winder after the lats October ploughing. Only a few boys remained in the fields to scare the birds from the young winter wheat crops, an droves of up to fifty head were walked across our paths (sheep did not have the legs to walk the distances needed) and so the cattle moved on ancient drovers' ways.

We all know this as a time for feasting and the ‘martinmas foy’. A supper held in honour of the departing ploughman. Presents were given of sausages and black puddings to the sound of a big ole ‘pig cheer’! Before sitting down to eat proper, bacon, ham, chitterlings, brawn and trotters, celebrating some more with pork and souse, sprats and starlings, before devouring the Martinmas goose for the final feast of the day. This change in season marks the start of Mumming and carolling for those of us without employment and so we set about getting our practice in, spattering wine in each other’s faces late into the night.

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor's Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of applicants and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

We can now reveal that all new applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2023, were roundly and loudly rejected as ill-suited to the opening that had appeared, and so the chair of the Secret Member has remained empty throughout 2023/24. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

The application portal for next year’s Interviews is now open. We sincerely encourage those who feel ready to join the group and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. Over the coming years Reactor intends to be reborn, again, in a new body. An opening at the heart of the group awaits the correct initiate, with this need for replacement limbs we are ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2023


"Thence is the place holy, and nor fourfooted thing that hath need of Eileithyia nor any woman approacheth thereto, but the Apidanians call it the primeval childbed of Rheia. There when thy mother had laid thee down from her mighty lap, straightway she sought a stream of water, wherewith she might purge her of the soilure of birth and wash thy body therein. But mighty Ladon flowed not yet, nor Erymanthos, clearest of rivers; waterless was all Arkadia ... And holden in distress the lady Rheia said, ‘Dear Gaia, give birth thou also! Thy birthpangs are light.’ So spake the goddess, and lifting her great arm she smote the mountain with her staff; and it was greatly rent in twin for her and poured forth a mighty flood. Therein, O Lord, she cleansed thy body."

Though we’d thought to have surely reached the lowest of places in years gone by. As the wheel turned slowly and more fully, it revealed another realm below the one where we’d existed. Peering over the edge, in poor humour(s) one part of Rector’s body purposefully tripped another, imbalanced, we fell, tumbling down for what seemed beyond time. It was clear from this side, that our diseased body had not been invaded, but was skidding inevitably on the slippery continuum.

So, oh dear! Oh dear! We shall be late!

Cooped up for far too long in the city’s artificiality we felt a deep drawer to our familial home from Par-wich we came, a craving for nature and to collectively extol its bucolic temperament. Setting off early on foot, here we were stuck. Well we knows: if the geese swim at Martinmas then they’ll surely slide at Chris-mas. This year our boots slowly submerged in mud, ankle deep and sinking, we were stuck in the mire. We must get to he Sycamor before the boys arrive. Driving our broken bodies into the wind. Surrounded by inosculated trees, touching, rubbing, intertwined, and entangled. Reminded that the Blackthorn is a frequent conjoiner, so growing together is a must. Just in time to sink a few before Clod and the Goose arrived.

Agreed? The means of restoring the proper relationship of the bodies is through food and drink and various forms of purging (e.g. blood-letting and the administering of suppositories). Back at the Rockery we set to it: various trugs of the new season’s wine were brought out, and behold goose both culinary and ceremonious. Taking our prospective positions around the bigger of the two fowl (alwight boys!) we struggled with the bird, pulling in opposite directions (but always ensuring to form a solid base, a pyramid-shaped composition). The line between too-rough play and deadly strangling of the chenalopex was unclear, and so the bird reacted to its predicament by biting our left ears. In turn our boys rode the overly large animal mercilessly.

This tableau brings to mind an-other divinity who is linked to the theme of rebirth. Perhaps these chubby boys are not simply infants, but, but, but the personification of Dionysos; and the goose not merely a common barnyard animal but an evil spirit over which the Divine Child triumphs. This unfriendly relation is therefore our votive offering to the healing deities, a mending, a cleansing of sorts, a rebirth for the year to come, as our new collective body rises from the primordial fluid.

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor's Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of applicants and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

We can now reveal that all new applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2022, were roundly and loudly rejected as ill-suited to the opening that had appeared, and so the chair of the Secret Member has remained empty throughout 2022/23. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

The application portal for next year’s Interviews is now open. We sincerely encourage those who feel ready to join the group and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. Over the coming years Reactor intends to be reborn, again, in a new body. An opening at the heart of the group awaits the correct initiate, with this need for replacement limbs we are ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2022


“They drank from pools fouled by the ass and the camel,
Chewed uncooked millet pounded between stones,
Wore but a shame—rag, dusk or dawn,
And rolled in thorny places.”

With resources sloe this year, and in a distinct break with tradition, we were committed to collective abstinence. There is nothing softer or sweeter than water, and so we began in earnest. Together we sought out the lowest of places, and dwelt for time in regions others may well detest. Yet this felt deeply good and necessary for the REactor, as well as all the other living things.

Staying close to a path of water, we soon found that the gurgling stream was closely connected to the fruit and ‘shroom. This year in particular, the trees were bountiful and offered glowing ethereal light. Many nimble fingers pulled purplish-black drupes betwixt the thorny branches, until our hands were sticky and torn, bags bursting with fruit and waxy bloom. Whoah, yeah! Off we set through the fun-gee. The more you look the more you find (ed. We needn’t i’th bring our own tinned Del Monte fruits dis tide).

On a whim we drove vehicles down rough-off-roads. Little more than sheep tracks that threatened us with a tumble down the ravine, but instead stumbled upon our desire. Little more than a shallow cave amongst the slopes of the boldest bluff of rock, we had found our shelter once more - returned home through magnetic orientation - from which to catch the last rays of the setting sun across the dale.

Cave dwellers do not all belong to dim and far-away antiquity. Whilst the long years of Upp(~r Pab l)lithic times this apparently satisfactory dwelling site was not occupied by man or beast (due to dampness). We felt that this dripping cave could be well warmed and dried out by our fire overnight. Before waiting on the flames to lick, undeterred, we old ones forced berries down our (greedy) gullits. The dry, puckering mouthfeel of unripe fruits causing astringent regurgitation of plentiful bright pink liquid, which in turn we fed to the younger ones with us for the first time.

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor's Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of applicants and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

We can now reveal that all new applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2021, were roundly and loudly rejected as ill-suited to the opening that had appeared, and so the chair of the Secret Member has remained empty throughout 2021/22. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

The application portal for next year’s Interviews is now open. We sincerely encourage those who feel ready to join the group and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. Over the coming years Reactor intends to modify our central body. An opening at the heart of the group awaits the correct initiate, and we are ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2021


"...I touch your hem you say
Let's stroll down Martin Way
Pick plums, abandoned farm
Who let norms come to harm?..."

After a fallow year we found the keys once more in the trees and flowers, and then surprisingly twice more within the Syca-more - “have we not seen you before old woman?” Parched in Parwich, A Rector quickly downed a flagon of amber ale in the traditional drinking ‘ole before hiding in ambush. The faint sound of coconut shells was the trigger to bundle the initiate into the blacked out back seats of our Quattro. We took Dog Lane and lit up the timbers as garbled messages came over the airwaves.

Briefly back at the barn for a quick costume change and victuals stuffed into bags. Then up the hill we did plod (with not a sign of clod). This year’s hiking gear: animal-themed, one of us dressed as a donkey (of course), another as a wolf, and so on, and so on … this gang of para-humans striding up the narrow dale sent the local livestock into a frenzy, sheep scurrying and worrying around us. Setting course through the mist many flocked with us in search of the sun (eventually found hiding out in a slippery smooth cave). After a little archery practice we considered smoking the local meat but opted instead to return to our fortress on the hill to pan-fry the breast and deep-fry the chestnuts in the ample fat.

Our route back was dogged, or was it a fox? (depends which way you look at it we suppose) So we was, there in a little pickle, but all the way (spirit) guided by a solitary heron for a plate of herring and shots. While the hundred steep steps on the last leg tired some of the troupe, the exhaustion was quickly forgotten and the usual merriment did ensue.

The bells rang as the candles were lit and stories were told by the fireside. Tales of Martinmas past and reminiscences of Martinmas yet to come; each year there must be new traditions. The Game of Goose was brought out, but this year we insisted that only one member should know the finer details. Having inscribed them to memory, they ceremonially burnt the rules (previously inked on paper).

Ale-fueled rituals took place in the upper chambers that were initially reserved for leaping and then for sleeping on high firm beds. We feasted and drank the new season’s wine late into the night until slumber washed over us, and took turns to stoke the fire in the early hours so that all could sleep deep and warm.

Martinmas always contains an aspect of great and solemn seriousness. In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of applicants and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

As interviews did not take place on November 11th 2020, the chair of the Secret Member has remained empty throughout 2020/21. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor has re-opened the application portal for next year’s Interviews. We sincerely encourage those who feel ready to join the group and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. Over the coming years Reactor intends to modify our central body. An opening at the heart of the group awaits the correct initiate, and we are ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2020


ALREADY had the night completed ten
Of winter's hours, and by his crowing had
The winged sentinel announced the day,
When Symilus the rustic husbandman
Of scanty farm, solicitous about
The coming day's unpleasant emptiness

Early did we rise to ignite our Martinmas lanterns, albeit, brimming with feelings of melancholy, knowing that this warm glow would merely illuminate the dark void ahead. There can, of course, be no interviews without the ensuing festivities. And under current restrictions, where social gathering of friends is expressly forbidden it would not be possible for Rector members (past and present) to travel from all four corners for the annual celebration. Therefore, with a heavy heart, and for the first time in living memory, the Martinmas Interviews were cancelled for 2020.

Instead, we would set about deep inhalation of aromatic vapours from flowers and herbs such as rose, theriaca, aloe, thyme and camphor, but with the shortage of appropriate doctors (for obvious reasons) a proliferation of quacks had sold us duds. To counter this, we strapped soft walnuts and large goose eggs to our thighs, piercing them with long knives to burst the bubble. That, and those that flooded out were handled using long sticks to maintain our distance. These long sticks would double up, allowing us to pass aromatic vapours through the doors of our neighbours, no doubt a welcome gift at this time of year to ward off the miasmas. Our traditional Martinmas garb was this year thoroughly discarded for oil cloth leggings, gloves, hats and glass eyes, and in the absence of merriment we engaged in excessive self flagellation throughout the night.

Martinmas always contains an aspect of great and solemn seriousness. In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of applicants and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas

We can now reveal that all new applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2019, were roundly and loudly rejected as ill-suited to the opening that had appeared, and so the chair of the Secret Member has remained empty throughout 2019/20. Now, whilst this next year doth remain fallow, it does bode well for fecund times to come.

Reactor has re-opened the application portal for next year’s Interviews. We sincerely encourage those who feel ready to join the group and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. Over the coming years Reactor intends to modify our central body. An opening at the heart of the group awaits the correct initiate, and we are ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2019


“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.”

Despite the challenges this and every aRector year presents, now is not the time to dwell on hardships past, or to lament such present missed opportunities. After all the Mass of Martin, or as we know it, Martinmas, is a joyful time of celebration. A time for Reactor members past and present to gather together as a family (and now with all young’uns welcome). A time to collect our bobbin’ sticks and the purple fruits of the forest. A time to chase a gaggle er geese across the field from the hedgerow to dead-in-a-ditch. A time to move our family’s work indoors for the winter. A time to carve lanterns and ghoulish faces out of all the most well sized vegetables (hello Mr Beetroot you rascal you!)

In the agricultural calendar Martinmas highlights the beginning of the natural winter, whilst in the economic cycle it is the closing of autumn. As is now tradition we collectively retire to our familial country home in Parwich for annual bacchanal. A good ole knees up! Celebrations begin at the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour of this eleventh day of the eleventh month (that is, at 11:11am on 11 November). Each member turns handler, stepping over the threshold with a large, large black sack upon their back. Each previously hollow receptacle stuffed to the brim, weighing heavy on our broad shoulders with all we’d need for the festivities: paper plates, straw coats, ravin’ hats, and masks, so many masks, strobes, spades, goblets, and lashings of the new season's wine.

Just as in the peasant communities of medieval England, not everyone could afford to gorge on the full fat of the goose and thus ate duck or hen. So it was for Reactor this year, with a breast shared between every two, pickles and the scolded rye symbolically sliced to share equally amongst the full troupe that surrounded the feastin’ table. And whilst the pickings were slim, the revelry was fulsome and round. Singing traditional "Séngmarténg" songs. Swinging our carved beetroot ogres, glowing eyes did hypnotise and send us into a’frenzy. Round‘n’round the table we did go, smashing freshly cut ashen branches into the boards, whipping the exposed legs of those that went before us, spinning in traditional selfie-mode and falling over the donkeys that lined the course.

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor’s Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of applicants and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

We can now reveal that all new applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2018, were roundly and loudly rejected as ill-suited to the opening that had appeared, and so the chair of the Secret Member has remained empty throughout 2018/19. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor has re-opened the application portal for next year’s Interviews. We sincerely encourage those who feel ready to join the group and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. Over the coming years Reactor intends to modify our main body. An opening at the heart of the group awaits the correct initiate, and we are ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2018

"In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni"

Once the mark was made, and the symbol drawn into the Earth’s skin. We once again assembled the dispersed of aRector; gathering the scattered members, past and present, from the four corners of the Earth.

As is tradition, we gathered at our home in the Dales, and with Martinmas falling on the sun’s day, we were determined to make it a sloe residential. Our New House offered ancient pasture land with ridge and furrow, newly planted woodland and hedgerows, willow beds and archaeological finds. And though the facilities were limited, they were offset by the panoramic views of the Peaks and sunsets to the west.

Our gated camping community was within trekking distance of the ol’ Sycamore, so we set off on our annual pilgrimage to get a few inn before the sun set. Foraging for vittles along the way. A gaggle of geese with their plump breasts (or were they ducks? Quack, quack), blackthorn laden with their blue-black berries, and the fruiting body of the jelly ear fungus on elder trees along our route. A plentiful bounty ‘ere for the evening feasting.

Across the fourth bridge and before the fields, the accent changed. With pheasants flushing through tiny swing-gates, and their loud truncated “cock, cock” ringing in our ears, a herd of excitable feeder-cattle began this year’s leaping. We took this as a sign, and followed their lead in revealing the gymkhana paraphernalia. And leap we did. Taking it in turns to hold the striped poles, whilst other members leapt merrily across the emerging helix. Forwards and backwards we did leap. Faster and faster, higher and higher. The mud got thicker, and as the dusk light glowed our hoofs kicked up clod from the earth (from whence we buried ‘im last year).

Finally back at the Sycamore, our bodies clearly drained by the equestrian exertion - we fell into a heap exhausted. The plentiful Trooper pouring from the local tap refreshed us, and we were soon laughing loudly in rounds. Then she appeared to us as our spirit-animal. However, the inn children didn’t know Martin’s name - dost thou trick us ‘ere? - slowly we approached, hesitant at first, but the ensuing petting confirmed old friendships rekindled. 

Emerging out of the interior, the sun had set one final time before the wheel would turn once more to Martinmas. Our lanterns shone across the earth, illuminating ditches that could send us in circles, and keeping us safe for another year. And whilst the cattle's eyes did not glow, a foreboding sign, their hulking presence offered the opportunity for further leaping as we rushed onwards - making sure to pick up our bobbin’ sticks from the ancient dip along the way back to camp.

Fire on, the celebrations were palindromic, building up, and counting down to climax at midnight - followed by breaking down, and counting up to dawn. The feast kept flowing from the bags of foraged goods, stories were told for the first time into the dead of night, songs were sung (but not for the first time ;)), and just enough of the new season’s wine was drunk for sum’ unrestrained revelry. Then, as the sun rose, we stood together to catch the first rays of sunshine, offering the group warmth and illumination for the year to come.

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor’s Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of applicants and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

We can now reveal that all new applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2017, were roundly rejected as ill-suited to the opening that had appeared, and so the chair of the Secret Member has remained empty throughout 2017/18. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor has re-opened the application portal for next year’s Interviews. We sincerely encourage those who feel ready to join the group and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. Over the coming years Reactor intends to modify our main body. An opening at the heart of the group awaits the correct initiate, and we are ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2017

“In the principle of progressive regeneration, the Hierarchy maintains energy bodies simultaneously (including a physical anatomy) in all of these planes for the benefit of the people  who reside on them. The purpose is to create a facsimile consciousness in the mind of the individual so that the polarized elements resulting do contain, within his superconsciousness, harmonically linked constituents and energy formations to Infinity in a somewhat temporary, personalized manner until the individual can incept an even higher concept of this Infinite Mind into the precincts of his own individualized concept. So the Infinite Mind of the Hierarchy develops states of consciousness into the lower planes of life as a pipeline or lifeline for the souls progressing into higher states of awareness and helps them polarize certain specific elements in their own psychic structures themselves, to eventually evolve into a more infinite consciousness.”

As the sun set behind the Sycamore, Rector past and present, retired to their familial abode in Parwich for a weekend of introspection and bacchanal. As is tradition, they made sure to first get a few inn at the ale house, and put one in the wood for late arrivals (knock, knock). The atmosphere was unusually tense for this time of year as we made out not to know the village youth, or how to pronounce the local drinks. Not everyone appreciated the inn-joke.

With the clock ticking and only two hours before Al’s carriage was scheduled to arrive, tension was building in the bus stop with games beginning (despite a sign clearly stating that there was no building allowed). We decided to split. Some legged it back to the cottage to make sure the logs were still blazin’ in the hearth, whilst a couple’a’lads waited to apprehend the Clod Pile in search of the rockery.

The Goose and the Bishop made it clear that this was not the Clod Pile they had requested and sent the rest of the gang out the back to keep digging with Ivan. Finally, with the practical work complete and all guests present, the sensory gnosis began. In the gloom, we took it in turns to succumb to inhibitory and excitatory techniques. Affective energies became visible through swirling phantasmagoria.

A bloody bird was roasted with all the trimmings, nuts and cheeses followed the feast, and all was washed down with new seasons wine. Looking deep into the Clod on the banqueting table, we saw dust. Much leaping followed, despite the low ceilings.

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor’s Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of applicants and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

Reactor can now reveal that all new applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2016, were rejected as ill-suited to the hole that had appeared, and so the chair of the Secret Member remained empty during 2016/17. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor has re-opened the application portal for next year’s Interviews. We sincerely encourage those who feel ready to join the group and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. Over the coming years Reactor intends to modify our main body. An opening at the heart of the group awaits the correct initiate, and Reactor is ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2016

“To mak sauce madame tak the tharmes of a gose and slit them and shave them clene then tak the gossern the wings the skyn and the soule of the gose and put them all in a pot with mynced onyons mynced wardens and grapes rostid then rost hir and smyt hir in peces and lay here in a chargiour and put the farser in a pot put ther to wyn and sesson it up with pouder and salt and venygar and thou wilt thou may tak yolks of egges sodene herd and cromyd smalle and put ther to and let it be salt and pour it on the peces and serue it.”

Wid a heavily prepped goose, fat oozing from the bird, bowls of quinces and brusseltops overflowing in abundance, and the new season’s wine fresh from between our toes; the compeers did rejoice in unison: ‘such a full and fatty Martinmas!’ ‘ere today to enjoy.

Wid a ‘hole oval of eaters and many faces sent back from the past, proceedings were tinged with excitement, to see what members, past and present, were waring. As is tradition, crossdressings were encouraged, and costumes were exchanged readily as we took on our new roles.

Wid a cook a’basting, and David’s eyes upon us, loud voices were ‘erd throughout the evensong. We leapt right into rounds of musicality that did frighten the demons away from the Halls. After devouring the meat, chants grew stronger, and fondly remembered ‘Mas favourites were brought out, building spirits and high tempers as we went.  

Wid a pomegranate jelly slurped straight down our gizzards, we learnt that the decanted wine had run dry, tis there a drought in ‘ere? (Note to the quartermaster: box in more wine for next year, Martinmas hi jinks) But as our word is our bond, the spirit of Martinmas was again truly re-ignited, and much mistimed laughter resounded as the beer bled through the carpet.

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor’s Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of potential new group members and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

Reactor can now reveal that all new applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2015, were rejected as ill-suited to the hole that had appeared, and so the chair of the Secret Member remained empty during 2015/16. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor has now re-opened the application portal for next year’s Interviews. We sincerely encourage those who feel ready to join the group and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. Over the coming years Reactor intends to modify our body. An opening at the heart of the group awaits the correct initiate, and Reactor is ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2015

"Pregnant mothers should avoid thinking of ugly people, or those marked by any deformity or disease; avoid injury, fright and disease of any kind. Also avoid ungraceful position and awkward attitude, but cultivate grace and beauty in herself. Avoid difficulty with neighbors or other trouble...During pregnancy the mother should take time for self improvement and cultivate an interest for admiring beautiful pictures or engravings which represent cheerful and beautiful figures. Secure a few good books illustrating art, with some fine representations of statues and other attractive pictures. The purchase of several illustrated an journals might answer the purpose."

Having a first member sever'd from the group is a painful and a dark time. It is with a furrowed brow that the group free’d one from the shackles of hard work and labour, and turn’d into the night. The group’s body will never again be the same, it is an irreversible severing of one of the tubes, which feeds thoughts AND feelings. 

The rot of character in the community was started by way'ward eyes glancing in new directions, AND SO, a solid and new concrete view was formed. Like a sick'end body, less influence from outside the halls was needed, AND SO, the community built vast walls around the compound. Wearing both happy and sad faces the group drew in the band of friendship tighter than usual, making sure that any doubters would indeed squeal like a kicked pig! 

But still, as is the tradition, the spirit of Martinmas would of course be re-ignited – with each member of the cabal taking it in turns to sign across the pond, much mistimed laughter resounded amidst the back halls and servants passages of their respective quarters.

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor’s Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of potential new group members and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

Reactor can now reveal that, in honour of our first sever'd member, the wounded Reactor body rejected all new applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2014, and so the chair of the Secret Member remained empty during 2014/15. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor has now re-opened the fluid membership. We sincerely encourage those who feel ready to join the group and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. Over the coming years Reactor intends for a new body to emerge. An opening at the heart of the group awaits the correct initiate, and Reactor is ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2014

"Impatiently I waited for evening, when I might summon you to my presence. An unusual — to me — a perfectly new character I suspected was yours: I desired to search it deeper and know it better. You entered the room with a look and air at once shy and independent: you were quaintly dressed — much as you are now. I made you talk: ere long I found you full of strange contrasts. Your garb and manner were restricted by rule; your air was often diffident, and altogether that of one refined by nature, but absolutely unused to society, and a good deal afraid of making herself disadvantageously conspicuous by some solecism or blunder; yet when addressed, you lifted a keen, a daring, and a glowing eye to your interlocutor's face: there was penetration and power in each glance you gave; when plied by close questions, you found ready and round answers. Very soon you seemed to get used to me."

The wind blew up the tails of the cohort, and as dark descended tripel wine was pour’d, a large bird slain, cooked and eaten. Frenzied, perhaps from the celebrations, the wind too wanted to join! Wind from the north, south, east and west blew in the doors and windows of Reactor Halls. Quickly potato sacks were sourced and fixed wit’ large rusty nails, and the solid right paw of a stuffed golden boar. After a period, all corners wer’ cover’d, stopping the ghastly wind portals bringing in grit, muck, dust and looks from neighbouring fields.

Reactor made quick work of making the now dusty floors into spiral formations, and mopping the faces of old and new acquaintances wit’ large damp rag. Reactor warmed the halls again by much rejoicing and making gloves from large round bread loaves with missing centres. The festivities concluded when the sun rose on a new dawn and the chill wind had calm’d.

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor’s Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of potential new group members and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

Reactor can now reveal that for the second year in a row, last year’s Martinmas Interviews gave us the opportunity to welcome a new Secret Member. His presentation excelled and we gave the unanimous decision to welcome Bruce Asbestos into the Reactor fold. In line with our decision to maintain a secret membership, his involvement in the group remained hidden in 2013/14. Going to great lengths to ensure the secret was kept, he travelled halfway across the world to create false distance between himself and the group. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor sincerely encourages those who feel ready to join the group, and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. Over the coming years Reactor intends to grow and change in shape. An opening at the heart of the group awaits the correct initiate, and Reactor is ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2013

“Directly on awakening, preferably at dawn, the initiate goes to the place of invocation. Figuring to himself as he goes that being born anew each day brings with it the chance of greater rebirth, first he banishes the temple of his mind by ritual or by some magical trance. Then he unveils some token or symbol or sigil which represents to him the Holy Guardian Angel. This symbol he will likely have to change during the great work as the inspiration begins to move him. Next he invokes an image of the Angel into his mind’s eye. It may be considered as a luminous duplicate of one’s own form standing in front of or behind one, or simply as a ball of brilliant light above one’s head. Then he formulates his aspirations in what manner he will, humbling himself in prayer or exalting himself in loud proclamation as his need be. The best form of this invocation is spoken spontaneously from the heart, and if halting at first, will prove itself in time. He is aiming to establish a set of ideas and images which correspond to the nature of his genius, and at the same time receive inspiration from the source. As the magician begins to manifest more of his true will, the Augoeides will reveal images, names, and spiritual principles by which it can be drawn into greater manifestation.”

Saint Martin! Saint Martin! Calves wear tails, Cows wear horns, Churches wear steeples, Steeples wear bells, Girls wear skirts, Boys wear breeches, Old women wear aprons. In this house a rich man lives.

As St Martin once took his sword in hand and split his cloth in two, so Reactor were required to cleave the group’s membership to celebrate Martinmas. With Physical Members having sailed across the ocean with pioneering spirit, Remote Members partook in this year’s frivolity from afar.

After dark Reactor gathered to share the wine and split the goose, baked horseshoes and lit lanterns, as parades took to the streets of New York and other cities around the world. The festive spirit was shared with young and old as feet trod the crisp pavements and chants of ‘rabimmel, rabammel, rabum’ echoed in the air.

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor’s Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness. 

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of potential new group members and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

Reactor can now reveal that after a seven-year gap, last year’s Martinmas Interviews gave us the unprecedented opportunity to welcome not one, but two new Secret Members. Their presentations excelled and we gave the unanimous decision to welcome Amelia Beavis-Harrison and Phillip Henderson into the Reactor fold. In line with our decision to maintain a secret membership, their involvement in the group remained hidden in 2012/13. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor sincerely encourages those who feel ready to join the group, and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. There is an opening at the heart of the group that awaits the correct initiate, and Reactor is ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2012

 "Behind the veil of all the hieratic and mystical allegories of ancient doctrines, behind the darkness and strange ordeals of all initiations, under the seal of all sacred writings, in the ruins of Nineveh or Thebes, on the crumbling stones of old temples and on the blackened visage of the Assyrian or Egyptian sphinx, in the monstrous or marvellous paintings which interpret to the faithful of India the inspired pages of the Vedas, in the cryptic emblems of our old books on alchemy, in the ceremonies practised at reception by all secret societies, there are found indications of a doctrine which is everywhere the same and everywhere carefully concealed."

Within the building green and blue, Reactor members old and new, Gathered once more to try and find, a candidate suitable in heart and mind.

Under Reactor’s all seeing eye, and the bad luck of a single dead magpie, The loveliest water was drunk by all, as the Scottish myth revealed its call. 

‘We make curtains out of goats hair’, was the chant that sang out on streets so fair, A parade of lanterns to the doors we did take, a lot of noise and commotion there we did make.

We would like to pay tribute to the generosity of Douglas Road residents as we called door-to-door; all proceeds collected during this year’s parade will go towards the purchase of new jam jar lanterns for 2013.

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor's Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of potential new group members and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

Reactor can now reveal that, for the sixth year in a row, despite the palindromic date none of the applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2011 filled the gap, and so the chair of the Secret Member remained empty during 2011/12. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor sincerely encourages those who feel ready to join the group, and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. There is an opening at the heart of the group that awaits the correct initiate, Reactor needs more members, and we are ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2011

“The attributes of liminality or of liminal personae (“Threshold People”) are necessarily ambiguous, since this condition and these persons elude or slip through the network of classifications that normally locate states and positions in cultural space. Liminal entities are neither here or there; they are betwixt and between the position as assigned and arrayed by the law, custom, convention, and ceremonial. As such, their ambiguous and indeterminate attributes are expressed by a rich variety of symbols in the many societies that ritualize social and cultural transitions. Thus, liminality is frequently likened to death, to being in the womb, to invisibility, to darkness, to bisexuality, to the wilderness, and to an eclipse of the sun or moon.”

Seeking the clearing between the two towers in the wood, Reactor ventured West to the middle land. Members old and new gathered with the threshold people to tread the wine of the new season in the stump of an old oak before the protocols of secret membership were, at last, committed to paper.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of potential new group members and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas. This year, at 11:11, eleven minutes’ silence was observed in honour of the palindromic date, 11/11/11.

Reactor can now reveal that, for the fifth year in a row, despite unprecedented enquiry none of the applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2010 filled the gap, and so the chair of the Secret Member remained empty during 2010/11. Now, this year’s prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor sincerely encourages those who feel ready to join the group, and take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. There is an opening at the heart of the group that awaits the correct initiate, and Reactor is ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2010

"The candidate is confronted by members of the occult group wearing a special costume; he is blindfolded; he is led by the arm along a rough and difficult route; he is taken into a specially designed chamber with no windows; he is brought into the presence of a 'master'; he is given a test and made to answer questions; he is shown a variety of symbols designed to remind him of death; the situation suggests he may not survive the ordeal; he is given ritual food or drink; he is blindfolded again and led outside."

After two years in alien surroundings, Reactor’s Martinmas celebrations returned home to the Towers in Nottingham. Members past and present gathered together to carry new candidates across the threshold of the chamber. Once inside, time flew by and spirits were high as we trod the new season’s wine, gracefully leapt over the donkey’s frame and sang loudly to our new lampion. Keeping with tradition, despite a strong wind, the troupe braved the inclement weather to wish the merry folk of the Nottingham a very “Happy Martinmas!”

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor's Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of potential new group members and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

Reactor can now reveal that, for the fourth year in a row, despite unprecedented enquiry none of the applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2009 filled the gap, and so the chair of the Secret Member remained empty during 2009/10. Now, this year's prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor sincerely encourages those who feel ready to join the group, and to take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. There is an opening at the heart of the group that awaits the correct initiate, and Reactor is ready to guide you through the preparations. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2009

“At first there are wanderings, and toilsome running about in circles and journeys through the dark over uncertain road and cul de sac; then, just before the end, there are all kinds of terrors, with shivering, trembling, sweating, and utter amazement. After this, a strange and wonderful light meets the wanderer; he is admitted into clean and verdant meadows, where he discerns gentle voices, and choric dances, and the majesty of holy sounds and sacred visions. Here the now fully initiated is free, and walks at liberty like a crowned and dedicated victim, joining in the revelry; he is the companion of pure and holy men, and looks down upon the uninitiated and unpurified crowd here below in the mud and fog...”

The joyous tradition of Martinmas is upon us once more. Again the candidates were required to journey north, this time to Newcastle upon Tyne, and to bring with them the appropriate sacrifice. After the meat was eaten off it, the breastbone was examined. Revealing a fair and clear bone, indicating that the winter is likely to be cold and full of hard frosts. Undeterred, the Reactor men went singing door to door with jam lanterns, and one of the troupe in clothing commonly associated with the other gender.

Exuberant though the festivities may have seemed, Reactor's Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of potential new group members and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

Reactor can now reveal that, for the third year in a row, none of the applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2008 were of sufficient quality, and so the chair of the Secret Member remained empty during 08/09. Now, this year's prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor sincerely encourages those who feel ready to join the group, and to take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. For there is an opening at the heart of the group that awaits the correct initiate. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2008

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”

Martinmas is upon us once again. This time the candidates were required to journey north, and to bring with them the appropriate sacrifice.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of potential new group members and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

Reactor can now reveal that none of the applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2007 were of sufficient quality, and so the chair of the Secret Member remained empty during 07/08. Now, this year's prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor sincerely encourages those who feel ready to join the group, and to take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2007

“In the beginning was Initiation. The flesh profiteth nothing; the mind profiteth nothing; that which is unknown to you and above these, while firmly based upon their equilibrium, giveth life. In all systems of religion is to be found a system of Initiation, which may be defined as the process by which a man comes to learn that unknown Crown. Though none can communicate either the knowledge or the power to achieve this, which we may call the Great Work, it is yet possible for initiates to guide others.”

The wheel turned again and, shrouded in the autumnal mists of November 11th, the ancient feast of Martinmas was upon us once more. For Reactor, who have always celebrated this great day with special vigour, the festivities included the traditional activities of leaping, backwards donkey rides, an imitation wedding, tasting the new season's wine, cross-dressing, and the symbolic eating of meat. In addition this year, Reactor are proud to have brought Gansabhauet, the venerable tradition of the Swiss town of Sursee, to these shores.

Exuberant though the festivities may have been, Reactor's Martinmas celebrations always contain an aspect of great and solemn seriousness.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of potential new group members and for their initiation into the most honoured role of Secret Member – a role that is theirs for exactly one year, until the wheel turns once more to Martinmas.

Reactor can now reveal that none of the applicants who presented themselves for initiation on November 11th 2006 were of sufficient quality, and so the chair of the Secret Member remained empty during 06/07. Now, this year's prospective initiates have stepped forward and decisions have been taken.

Reactor sincerely encourages those who feel ready to join the group, and to take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.

Martinmas Interviews 2006

“The initiation is a long series of ceremonies whose purpose is to introduce the young man to religious life: for the first time he leaves the purely profane world, where he spent his childhood, to enter the circle of sacred things. Now, this change of status is conceived, not as the simple and normal development of pre-existing seeds, but as a transformation totious substantia. It is said that at that moment the young man dies, that the particular person he was ceases to exist and is instantaneously replaced by another. He is reborn in a new form.”

The modern calendar was adopted in the British Isles in 1752, but in some parts the eleven-day difference was not observed, so to some the 11th of November was referred to as Old November Day. This was a remnant of the festival of Samhain [Day of the Dead], or Halloween, when the veil between the realms of life and death is at its thinnest.

Most importantly the 11th November is attributed to St. Martin of Tours, and is therefore celebrated as The Feast of Martinmas.

In the 4th century AD, the Bishop St. Martin was walking to Rome on a pilgrimage. He encountered Satan and was mocked by him. As punishment St. Martin turned the devil into a donkey and rode the lazy beast for the remainder of his journey. The Donkey cursed him and spoke in palindromes.

Because of this significant encounter, Reactor chose this date as the most appropriate for the interviewing of potential group members. This date has become an annual tradition, and we are pleased to announce that The Martinmas Interviews held last year gave us the unprecedented opportunity to welcome our first secret member. His presentation excelled and we gave the unanimous decision to welcome Jonathan Waring into the Reactor fold. In line with our decision to maintain a secret membership, Jonathan’s involvement in the group remained hidden for the year 05 / 06.

Having now completed The Martinmas Interviews for 2006, a process that has seen this years hopefuls interviewed and decisions taken, in order to initiate another secret member for the year 06 / 07. As usual this process of the utmost seriousness has been combined with the more frivolous Martinmas feasting celebrations, which this year have included: leaping, backward donkey rides, an imitation wedding, tasting the new season’s wine, cross-dressing, and the symbolic eating of meat.

Reactor sincerely encourages those who feel ready to join the group, and to take on the role of Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. For a copy of the Reactor Membership Handbook, and to apply click here.

If the geese at Martin’s Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.