The Tetra Phase
Set within the claustrophobic environment of Manchester's disused 'Old Fire Station' The Tetra Phase presented participants with an intense journey into subjective experience. Permitted to attend only once, on one of the four Saturdays of the event, groups of participants moved through the constructed possibilities of this labyrinthine space, interacting and completing tasks to proceed. With no recourse to a definitive interpretation or set of experiences, groups and individuals took on the responsibility for investing their situations with meaning. Beyond the limitations of ‘true’ or ‘false’, all that could be known was that certain results followed inevitably from certain actions.
Further exploring Reactor’s interest in ‘the audience as artwork’, interpersonal and group dynamics came to the fore, as participants attempted to reconcile their differing experiences. The omnipresent ‘eye in the sky’, created by a network of CCTV cameras, provided the only position from which an overarching perspective on the event might be possible, yet it was inaccessible to participants. Several months after the event, recordings from the CCTV system were posted out to participants who had thought their experiences were over.
“I can hear voices softly chattering around my head, my blindfold is removed and the rest of my team greets me wearing party hats. "Are you having fun?" they ask me constantly. Bearing strange fixed grins, they force feed me cake and lemonade. This is by far the most unsettling experience of the whole project as I wonder what the consequences of not having enough fun may be.”
A project that puts its participants in a goldfish bowl.
It felt like a battle between us and him, us both believing we had more knowledge of the other side, but not being 100% sure of what he had been told before entering.
It felt like a battle between us and him, us both believing we had more knowledge of the other side, but not being 100% sure of what he had been told before entering.
Reactor position themselves as an amalgam of technocratic fixers, psychic bureaucrats and high priests of a concealed social science.
One man was patiently trying to fit a square into a triangular gap. Had they been doped? Were they letting us win? If our victory was faked, then why?
This is by far the most unsettling experience of the whole project as I wonder what the consequences of not having enough fun may be.
Additional resources
Audience Responses (.doc, 51 KB)
The Tetra Phase was an offsite project for Castlefield Gallery in association with Contact Theatre (Manchester - UK) in 2007 and was supported by Arts Council England and Britannia Hotels.