The Gold Ones at Gallery North
Mar 22, 2016
The Gold Ones
14 April–7 May 2016
Preview: Wednesday 13 April, 18:00-20:00
Gallery North
Sandyford Road
Northumbria University
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Can you hear me?
Yes I can hear you quite clearly now.
It’s good to speak with you again.
We’re all just waiting now for it to begin again. Of course, the routines always happen at this time. But it’s not the same as it was, the same as it ever was, but different. Quite different now.
Now, back at the Cosmic Care Home all of the Gold Ones are fully awake, some are more present than others. They are washed and dressed by Hands, as requested. They have moved on, they are quite orderly now and waiting for it to begin again.
The routine, which has run more or less smoothly in recent times, is about to start again. The spoon has stirred the bucket, and layers have quite clearly accumulated around its wipe-clean surface.
We’d suggest to visitors, if they have not been before, to help themselves and make sure they get comfortable, we could be here for a while (FYI the game won't start till much later).
Anyway, we'd better go before it's time. So, welcome again, welcome to the Cosmic Care Home.
Here at Gallery North it was intended that you would further get to know the Gold Ones through the documentary that we are making here, and in the future, about who they were and how they exist. When Max Gold’s video transmission first came through in 2014, he named himself as ‘one of the Gold Ones’. After tracking Max for a period, we began filming in the space we now understand to be the Cosmic Care Home (CCH). We had previously remained in what could be described as the outer or back spaces of the CCH, looking through the walls that are at times transparent, or listening in on voices from the other side. This is where the Gold Ones live, and despite their existence on a higher spiritual plane, beyond the limitations of time – the place they inhabit resembles what we would describe as a ‘total institution’. They appear to be predominantly cut off from a wider community, and lead an enclosed and bureaucratically controlled existence. What we have here now is the first entry point into the body of the CCH.