
Reactor blog

Category: Reactor Halls

Reactor Halls E21: Monstrous Assemblage

Sep 17, 2021

Reactor Halls E21: Monstrous Assemblage
Dirty Electronics + Special Guests
Saturday 6 November, 19:00-21:30

Book here

A performance-installation and celebration of collective making, group work, physicalised algorithms, emergent-instruments-created-on-the-spot, messy materials and dirty sound. The group will build a performance environment using sound objects, found materials, electricity, DIY synthesisers, magnetism, flickering light and uncertain action.

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Reactor Halls E20: The Gold Ones’ Dummies

Jan 29, 2020

Reactor Halls E20: The Gold Ones' Dummies

The Gold Ones have existed across time, and now reside in the Cosmic Care Home (CCH). On this higher astral plane they are cut off from a wider community, and lead a bureaucratically controlled existence, cared for by elusive 'Helping Hands'. What can be seen here, is a broadcast of The Gold Ones as they move through cycles of activity - rest, care, affirmation, breakfast, exercise, games, and treatment. Or, if and when you’re ready, Dummies can visit the CCH for a period, joining The Gold Ones in the main gathering room.

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Reactor Halls E19: TEK-ANIMAL-LIFE Rendezvous

Jan 29, 2020

Reactor Halls E19: TEK-ANIMAL-LIFE Rendezvous
Plastique Fantastique
Saturday 15 February, 18:30-22:00

Tickets: BOOK HERE

Performing @ Rendezvous: Plastique Fantastique, Benedict Drew, Reactor, Frankie Roberts.

TEK-Life: The animal-arm is cyber-extended through the mouse-animal; the animal-object is surface-extended through the contact-microphone-animal, the animal-voice is amplified-extended through the dynamic-microphone-animal, the word-animal is double-decay-extended through the delay-pedal-animal, the animal-song is made sweet-sour-blended-extended by the mixer-animal, the animal-communication is earworm-extended through the speaker-box-animal (and all in that order). The animal-eye is light-extended through the projector-animal, the animal-sight is lens-focus-extended by the 4K-click-record-animal; the animal-brain-image is pixel-extended by the screen-animal. For TEK-ANIMAL-LIFE Rendezvous, all come together in one big loop of the fairyland of TEK-Folk. No human-masters here, only TEK-Animal-Kin!

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Reactor Halls E18: Under the Radar

Jul 27, 2017

Reactor Halls E18: Under the Radar
Friday 11 August, 18:00-22:00

Join us for an evening of pirated films and hillbilly moonshine

You know what this is ;-)

If you don’t know what this is, have a chat with a Rector member.

This event is free - open to Reactor members only, click here to obtain a one day membership.

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