
Reactor blog

You wanna be in Martinmas?

May 23, 2016

With just 171 days, 7 hours, 54 minutes and 14 seconds to go until this year's Martinmas Interviews take place in Nottingham on the 11th November 2016, now is the appropriate time to remind you of this opening. This is a very special year, and this is why there is this opening for the right candidate; but being right involves accepting a range of responsibilities, expectations and protocols. That said there are also some rewards that await the correct initiate.

What you can expect, and what we expect from you: meeting two or three days a week (usually Monday, Tuesday and/or Wednesday), often together, but sometimes in twos and threes, some time, mistimed laughter, regular movement between different personal pronouns as a means of describing the group, national and international travel, sometimes with overnight accommodation, although not always 5* (or below), drive, fast driving, if driving from further afield expect early starts and late nights, homeworking options are available, and an ambition to complete tasks in a timely and effective manner, rigorous assessment of the costs involved, involvement in the processing and consumption of each new season’s wine, copy and pasting text between MS WORD and google docs with an intermittent internet connection a prerequisite, duly recording all hours worked accurately into the spreadsheet, a willingness to push other’s ideas off the table, a clean and tidy work environment, access to health insurance and a healthy pension fund, leaping, broad shoulder, and bent knees, juggling several projects simultaneously, some refreshments are provided, but all alcoholic drinks must be drunk, and must be paid for, for which a tally is kept, and will be reclaimed at a later date, salary commensurate with experience. We cannot take any responsibility for any injury incurred whilst working for Reactor. Gloves and hats, look great, and are kept in the store cupboard, above the smoke machine.

Reactor members, past and present, known and unknown, along with guests will attend the festivities in character; whom they will come as has already been told, it is now time for you to decide who you will be. Do your duuty, and join us to warmly welcome our friends, special guest/s, and this year’s applicants.

Reactor sincerely encourages those who feel ready to join the group, and take on the role of the Secret Member, to step forward urgently and present themselves for the Martinmas Interviews. There is an opening at the heart of the group that awaits, and Reactor is ready to guide you through the preparations. To apply click here.